1. In February, Rhiana and I got to go see Parachute in concert. It was Rhiana's first concert and it was so much fun :) Even though we had to wait in the cold and there were like five openers, Parachute was great and it was such a memorable night.
2. This picture was taken as a joke (well kinda #teamgetswoll #nofilter #iworkout #noiamnotonsteroids) but going to the gym everyday was such a great part of my year. I would go with Rhi almost everyday after school. It was really hard some days but totally worth it. It was a great time for us to burn some steam and exercise together. Working out is my favorite way to clear my head and wear myself out when I can't sleep well.
3. Graduation!! There were so many pictures to choose from but I liked this one the best. Although I have gone through some really rough patches with my parents, they have always always been there for me. They supported me all the way through high school, currently support me through college, and will continue to support me in finishing school, pursuing my career, getting married, having a family and everything else. I am not very good at expressing my gratitude to them but I am so thankful for all they have done for me. I love them so much and I hope that I can be as great as them when I have my own children.
4. Wapiyapi :). This camp has had such a positive impact on mine and my siblings lives. I have met the most amazing people that have helped my family get through the struggles that come with having a family member with cancer. It has been such a hard thing for all of us to understand and this camp distracts from the bad for a week. It really is the best week of the year and I am going to miss it a lot this coming summer.
5. Starting college at BYUI. This is a picture I took with my roommates at a masquerade dance. I had some really hard times at school, especially with roommates but they each touched my life in different ways. We didn't always get along but it taught me patience. I also learned when to keep my mouth shut and when to stand up for myself and others. I had plenty of opportunities to stand up for people I really care about and it taught me loyalty and showed me how to separate those that don't matter from those that do. I wish I had gotten pictures with Marcus and Frank because they also became such good friends to me. I will never forget the hilarious times I had with those boys and my girl Mariah. :)
6. This beautiful lady deserves her own section because I had so many hilarious memories with her but also some very serious conversations. Mariah is one of the best friends I have ever had and I love her so much. I hope that we will continue to stay close and that we can live together again next September. <3 nbsp="nbsp">3>

12. Ok this is turning into my private diary so I am going to finish up haha. I dyed my hair pretty dark and I feel more like myself than ever, which sounds so stupid haha. I am a lot more confident in myself and I am looking forward to 2013.
I hope you all had a great year in 2012 and that this new year will be even better. I mostly wrote this for myself and I feel like I might take it down soon. Maybe I will private my blog. Ah well.

7. Rhiana also gets her own number because she is my very best friend. We have been through so so much together and she has always been there for me. We have had our rough patches of course, but I can always count on this gorgeous girl for a great laugh, a heart to heart, a boy stalking adventure, a shopping trip, a lunch date, a sit in the sun, and a late night chat about anything. We have made it since freshman year and I believe we will always be best friends. We will be at each others weddings (or just be roommates or something cuz we have the worst luck with boys haha) and our kids will play together. Thank you for everything Rhiana. Love you much!
8. This is turning into a post about specific people haha but I have had so many great memories with the three girls above that I can't pick one so I just have to talk about them individually. This is my lovely cousin Sarah. We have always been really close and we have done a lot together. She is hoping to get accepted to BYU in Hawaii and if she does, I support her all the way, no matter how much I try to convince her that Idaho is better. ;) We will continue to make memories whether it be going to school together as roommates, or over Skype while she has adventures in Hawaii. It makes me so emotional to think of her being so far away (I have tears in my eyes as I write this) but I know God will put her in the right place. <3 nbsp="nbsp" p="p">

9. This is just my good looking family :) We have a lot of memories together and I love them very much. All 8 of us have been through some really hard things, but we work on getting better everyday. I have faith that we can pull through. I can't wait to see what the future holds for each of us.
10. This is the little man, Ethan. He is such a sweet boy and so strong. I am absolutely heartbroken that he can't walk but he is an example not only to me, but to everyone he meets. It is important to be grateful for the simple things in life. It is easy to take them for granted. I find myself being very discouraged about his situation most of the time. I am typing this with watering eyes because I just can't keep in tears anymore. I am afraid and falling apart. I know it is important to have faith and look to the future but it is very hard. I look forward to the day when my baby brother can hop on his bike again.
11. This ugly sweater party was the best way to end the year (next to the New Years dance which I have no pictures from!) I haven't laughed so hard in a really long time. I have the most hilarious friends ever :) Both the party and the dance are great memories I have with Rhiana, Michael, and Jacob. I am really not ready to say goodbye to those great boys. :(
12. Ok this is turning into my private diary so I am going to finish up haha. I dyed my hair pretty dark and I feel more like myself than ever, which sounds so stupid haha. I am a lot more confident in myself and I am looking forward to 2013.
I hope you all had a great year in 2012 and that this new year will be even better. I mostly wrote this for myself and I feel like I might take it down soon. Maybe I will private my blog. Ah well.