Thursday, February 28, 2013

These Days

The last two times I tried to write a blog post, I ended up saving them as drafts because I didn't want anyone to read them. Let's see how the third time goes.

I am feeling very nostalgic and lost in thought today. I finally got over that weird sad phase I was in the last few weeks where I couldn't keep myself from crying anywhere I went. Sorry everyone. I am ok for now but I am sure it will return in about two weeks. Sometimes you just have to let yourself be sad for a while. Sometimes you have to cry just to cry. (Sounds like I'm writing a sappy country song.) But seriously.

I wonder if I will ever get better at saying goodbye. 

I am holding onto February. How is it already almost March?

Some things are better left unsaid. 

I am at the point in my life where it is time to grow up. Move out. Something I was always so excited about but now that it's here I am afraid. Each day is slow but time is flying. I am nervous for December already. So much has changed. I am anxious for the next few years to pass and we can all ask ourselves, "Where did the time go?" It will almost be like starting over. Awkward hellos... but familiar hugs and smiling eyes. 

I sound like every other teenage girl, but I can't wait for summer. The colorful days and the warm nights. Writing letters. Playing ukulele. Sunshine! Skype dates. Fresh air. Being able to run without the restriction of lines and direction with Parachute blasting in my ears... Feeling "the world at my feet."

I am missing college a lot. In about 6 weeks I will be moving into my own room in a townhouse and starting classes again. I can't wait. The spring and summer will be gorgeous in Iderho. And then the fall I'll be roommates with Mariah again, yay! 

This weekend should be nice. I need some time to just laugh with my best friends. Rhihania is coming home Saturday and I can't wait to see her.

I need to work out gah. And start a new book. And put my dang laundry away. And see about going to a concert next month!!

Welp, uninteresting blog post but I feel better writing about what is on my mind. No promises on when my next one will go up. 
